HomeThe LatestWATCH: Tesla Owner Refuses to Pay $22,000 for a Replacement Battery...So He...

WATCH: Tesla Owner Refuses to Pay $22,000 for a Replacement Battery…So He Does This Instead

If you’re all giggly at the prospects of getting a huge “tax incentive” for purchasing a fancy electric vehicle, you may want to reconsider. Within Joe Biden’s massive socialist spend and tax plan, there’s an “EV Incentive”. If it sounds like bait, that’s because it is.

Under the proposal, Americans can file for a $7,500 tax break if they purchase an electric vehicle. The amount you can write off on your federal income tax goes up to a whopping $12,500 if a U.S. union manufactures the vehicle you buy.

But hold on to your hat, there’s more. You can also get another $500 if the battery for your electric vehicle is made in the USA. However, like all things that appear to be “too good to be true”, so too is Joe Biden’s phony tax incentive.

Sure, you can fill in the column to get a nice tax incentive for buying your brand new American union manufactured car or truck. That big chunk of change is going to lure a lot of people who might otherwise be reluctant to do some “pre-purchase” investigation.

Now, we’re not even going to go into mechanic labor costs and discuss the invoice shock many will experience for standard auto repairs. We’re just going to talk about the one vital accessory in an electric vehicle, the battery.

For an automobile that runs on battery power, the battery is obviously rather essential. Seems the electric automotive industry appreciates that necessity. One Tesla owner found out just how much they appreciate the importance of a battery in an electric vehicle.

Again, no debate about electric vehicle sticker prices or how much other parts might cost. For one Tesla owner, it was all about the battery. When Tuomas Katainen discovered how much it was going to set him back for a replacement battery, he thought otherwise.

Katainen had a 2013 Tesla S Model. Tesla has a decent warranty for its batteries inside 150,000 or eight years. However, if you keep your electric vehicle past either of those limitations, please be sitting down if you have to replace the battery.

Now, we must also consider that the longevity for electric vehicles is frequently proclaimed as being outstanding. That would seem to indicate a reasonably high probability you’ll have it for longer than the eight-year period.

If you do, and the battery malfunctions, we again stress that you should sit down before seeing the cost of a replacement. To replace a malfunctioning battery in a 2013 Tesla S Model will require you to take out a small loan for $22,000.

Yes, that’s the replacement cost for a battery. Most would find that appalling. Kitainen certainly did. Instead of forking over 22-grand for a new battery, Kitainen chose to make a consumer statement. He turned to a local YouTube group in Jyväskylä, Finland, called Pommijätkät.

Pommijätkät are known to YouTubers as “The Bomb Dudes”. “The Dudes” proceeded to tow the broken down Tesla safely outside city limits. They found an abandoned quarry. This seemed like the perfect location for Katainen to make his statement.

To add some flair to the pending act of defiance, Katainen added a dummy driver inside his Tesla. It was affectionately named “Elon Musk”. The owner of Tesla was perched ceremoniously at the wheel of the S Model. In addition, the car was strapped with 66 pounds of explosives.

Katainen’s S Model Tesla was blasted to that great scrap heap in the sky. Kaboom, no more Tesla. Apparently, Katainen is not the only driver to experience such problems. U.S. drivers also report receiving eye-popping bills to replace faulty batteries.

While Katainen said he thoroughly enjoyed his explosive exploits, some might cringe with financial angst at the thought of blowing up their car. However, this disgruntled Finnish man certainly made an explosive statement.

Just because Joe Biden says he’ll give you a whopping tax incentive for purchasing an electric vehicle, better check the parts catalog first. Either that, or preemptively invest in a few pounds of dynamite. You know, just in case.

The post WATCH: Tesla Owner Refuses to Pay $22,000 for a Replacement Battery…So He Does This Instead appeared first on Freedom Headlines.

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