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VIDEO: Before Joe Left To Frolic On The Beach He Told A Lie That Has Already Come Back To Bite Him

Before the president fled to Delaware he admitted he doesn’t have a plan to deal with the coronavirus and then told a lie that has already come back to him.

New York Post reporter Steven Nelson asked, “Why did your administration reject a holiday testing surge in October? Does the buck stop with you there?”

“We didn’t reject it,” Biden said.

In a Vanity Fair report, Biden declined to act on a plan devised by the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, the COVID Collaborative, and the Rockefeller Foundation to stockpile 700 million rapid COVID-19 at-home tests to deal with the holiday surge.

The White House now says they didn’t reject the plan because they have now decided to implement it.

If that doesn’t sound like, “I actually did vote for the $87 billion, before I voted against it,” I don’t know what does.

Even the vax church is getting confused with all the mixed messaging and it has come back to bite Biden, his approval rating is now lower than Kamala’s.

From Newsweek:

Vice President Kamala Harris‘ approval rating has edged past President Joe Biden‘s in new polling from Gallup but both Democrats continue to suffer strong disapproval after a turbulent first year in office.

The vice president now appears to be a more polarizing figure than Biden, recording both a higher approval and disapproval rating. The poll conducted from December 1 to 16 showed Harris’ approval rating stood at 44 percent and her disapproval was 54 percent, while 1 percent had no opinion.

Gallup found that 43 percent of respondents approved of the president, while 51 percent disapproved of him and 6 percent had no opinion. These numbers are consistent with polling that has shown Biden underwater since August 30—the day before the final withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

Biden’s rhetoric and lies are now all coming back to bite him.

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