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Larry Elder Breaks Out On The D.C. Scene – His “Elder for America” Plan Aims To Help GOP Retake Washington

Larry Elder Breaks Out On The D.C. Scene – His “Elder for America” Plan Aims To Help GOP Retake Washington

What’s Happening:

Larry Elder is a noted conservative and radio personality. He has impressed and inspired countless Americans with his impassioned vision for the country. It’s not wrong to say his leadership will be key for the GOP, in the coming years.

Elder made waves when he ran against Gavin Newsom in the much-discussed California recall election. Elder was not able to defeat Newsom, thanks to the entrenched liberal voting bloc of the once-Golden State. But that hasn’t gotten this conservative down. He’s setting his sights even higher and has formed his own PAC.

From The Daily Wire:

The conservative author and radio host will launch “Elder for America,” a PAC designed to help Republicans take back the House and the Senate…

“The Elder for America PAC will engage in public education campaigns, direct voter contact, and fundraising to help Republicans win key seats in the House and Senate, and affect public policy on the local level.”

It seems Elder, like Donald Trump, is taking a page out of the left’s book. The reason Democrats are so successful at elections (in some regions) is because of their dogged ability to connect with people at the grassroots level. It doesn’t matter that their ideas are bad or their policies fail. They can motivate large groups of people—and that’s what wins elections.

Elder will give the left a run for its money with his PAC “Elder for America.” This group will be using its considerable resources to help Republicans retake the House and Senate in the 2022 midterms. On top of this, Elder will be helping turn the tide in California in key local races.

The PAC will focus on connecting with voters by utilizing “public education campaigns.” This is something that hasn’t always been embraced by conservatives. In the past, Republicans relied on the assumption that their support of traditional American values would help them win elections.

But the left has been able to gain ground, because of their control of the narrative through the media, Hollywood, and grassroots movements. If Republicans want to win back key parts of the country, they will need to connect with voters at their level. They can’t take for granted voters understand that voting for the left means an erosion of our values, beliefs, and economic principles.

That seems to be what Elder is trying to fix. A charismatic and likable figure like Elder can reach people that other Republicans can’t. His goals go beyond California, however, equipping candidates across the country to win support.

Democrats should be getting very nervous.

Key Takeaways:

  • Former GOP California governor candidate Larry Elder launched his own PAC.
  • “Elder for America” will help the GOP retake the House and Senate in 2022.
  • The PAC will connect with voters with direct contact and “public education campaigns.”

Source: Daily Wire

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