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Fired, Arrested CNN Producer Hit Even Harder – Chris Cuomo’s Producer Gets Served A $15 Million Civil Suit

Fired, Arrested CNN Producer Hit Even Harder – Chris Cuomo’s Producer Gets Served A $15 Million Civil Suit

What’s Happening:

It’s dark times for CNN. The network, which has been suffering from lagging ratings, has been exposed in numerous personnel scandals. We all know about Chris Cuomo, who was fired for unacceptable behavior in targeting women accusing his brother, Andrew Cuomo.

But several other staff have recently been outed for shocking criminal acts. One was recently fired and now faces criminal charges. But his problems are far from over. Because now, some of his alleged victims are hitting him with a massive civil suit.

From Fox News:

John Griffin, the longtime CNN producer fired last month over child trafficking allegations, has been named in a Connecticut civil lawsuit alleging “despicable acts” of “horrific sexual abuse” and exploitation…

The suit, filed on behalf of a 9-year-old “Jane Doe” and custodial “next best friend” Janet Doe is seeking up to $15 million in damages and fees.

Former CNN producer, John Griffin, was already facing criminal charges for trafficking and attempted trafficking. It hasn’t ended there. One of his alleged victims has launched a civil suit against him, one that might cost him $15 million. The details of this case are truly shocking and it raises major questions about the cable news channel.

Griffin is being sued for what he did to underage girls, along with their families and neighbors. If he is convicted of his criminal charges, there is a good chance he’ll lose this civil suit as well. But even if he’s acquitted and doesn’t go to jail, this civil suit could still go in the plaintiff’s favor, requiring this man to pay up big time.

What’s truly baffling about this case is that this man worked for CNN for years. Yet, it appears he could have been up to no good all that time. How did CNN not know about it? Why didn’t anything come to light?

Keep in mind this is a journalism company. It’s their job to uncover the truth and report on it. But they weren’t even aware of what one of their longtime employees was potentially doing. Or, if rumors did circulate, nobody in the organization did anything about it.

Perhaps more investigations should be taking place? Maybe law enforcement needs to look closer at the rest of this company?

Key Takeaways:

  • Former CNN producer is facing a civil suit for $15 million.
  • He is facing criminal charges of child trafficking.
  • One of his alleged victims has launched a suit against him.

Source: Fox News

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