The Democrat Party has changed, and not for the better. There has been a pronounced shift to a radical, far-left big government ideology. Liberal elites push racism and division. Their goal is to transform the United States into an authoritarian, communist-like society.
To reach their ultimate objective, they’re trying to force tyrannical mandates and government orders forcing Americans to conform. None have been as obvious as Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates.
However, conservative and moderate judges within the U.S. legal system have blocked them. Nevertheless, the mandates have been knocked around like a ping-pong ball between U.S. Circuit Courts.
However, Joe Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates have reached the highest court. The Supreme Court of the United States will hear arguments. As millions of U.S. workers fear for their job security, SCOTUS will waste no time in scheduling hearings.
Oral arguments both for and against the Biden vaccine mandates will commence on January 7. According to an official order released by the court, applications 21A244 and 21A247 will have one hour of allotted time for oral arguments.
Biden’s mandate abuses the powers of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The order instructed OSHA to level heavy fines against any U.S. company with more than 100 employees for vaccine, testing or masking violations.
The foundation for the order falsely exercised the legal reach of OSHA to act in relation to an emergency. Most experts believe that Biden’s mandate is unconstitutional, plus is a misuse of OSHA powers. There have also been moral issues raised.
Numerous states and private companies have sued the Biden administration to halt the mandates. Initially, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals froze them. However, another panel of three judges, two liberal appointees, dissolved the 5th Circuit’s stay.
Judge Joan Larsen shared the single dissenting opinion. The conservative President Trump appointee insists that at least one of the current challenges to the mandate will be successful. She stressed that for all legal challenges to Biden’s mandate to fail is highly unlikely.
This reason alone should have prevented the other two judges on the 6th Circuit from dissolving the 5th Circuit’s freeze. Companies such as The Daily Wire had petitioned the court to hear their case in front of a larger panel of six Circuit Judges.
The petition was denied. The vote was evenly split 8 to 8. The court’s Chief Judge, Jeffrey Sutton, harshly criticized the petition’s denial. Judge Sutton said, while the on-the-job mask requirement might be understandable, to mandate a medical procedure was wrong.
Sutton wrote, “It is quite another to tell a worker to vaccinate on the basis of a risk that exists whether he is on the clock or off. That amounts to a medical procedure that cannot be removed at the end of the shift.”
Daily Wire co-founder and co-CEO Jeremy Boreing was confident with his company’s position. Boreing, including many legal experts, believe the “rule of law” is on their side. They insist they have science on their side. In addition, the challenges have a persuasive moral argument.
Boreing issued a statement saying, “It’s hard to claim to be a free country when you can force businesses to force their employees to either violate their own consciences or inject themselves with drugs they do not wish to take, be discriminated against, or be fired.”
Millions of Americans would be affected by Biden’s tyrannical vaccine mandates. However, they do not have the voice or the financial means to fight it. They would be forced to comply or lose their job. Thankfully, patriotic governments and businesses are waging the battle for them all.
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