If it were the wee hours on December 25, some people might think they have a plausible explanation for some unexplainable lights darting across the night sky. However, it wasn’t Christmas Eve or during the early morning hours of Christmas Day.
In fact, mysterious reports of “Unidentified Flying Objects”, good old UFOs for short, happened on two occasions recently. TMZ obtained an astonishing video shot by a woman gazing across the skyline over Chino Hills, California.
The woman said her grandson was carrying out the garbage. He apparently asked her about some weird lights in the sky. What she was spectacular. She said, what was going on across the California night sky, “prompted the rest of the family to come out and take it all in.”
However spectacular it was, she still thought it was probably some kind of holiday light show being projected into the sky. There was only one problem with that theory. No one could see any light or light beam coming from a spot on the ground.
These lights seemed to bounce around in the sky on their own. The UFO phenomenon lasted for around 40 minutes, but then it abruptly ended. The supposed UFO sightings in California are not the only ones reported recently.
Within a week, another report surfaced from a pilot flying over the South China Sea. While flying near Hong Kong, the pilot reported seeing three sets of illuminated objects blinking through the clouds at approximately 39,000 feet.
Just like the odd lights in California, these weird lights just up and vanished. The pilot said it was like poof, they were “gone”. UFO sightings have been researched for decades. However, there seems to have been a recent surge in unexplained celestial activity.
This recent boon in sightings triggered the U.S. Department of Defense to establish a new venture. It’s called the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group. It’s a new branch of the Department of Defense dedicated to studying UFOs.
The DOD is taking these UFO reports seriously. A spokesperson from the Pentagon said, “DOD takes reports of incursions – by any airborne object, identified or unidentified – very seriously, and investigates each one.”
One thing for certain, after watching one debacle after another over the last year, Americans should hope Joe Biden isn’t gifted with an opportunity to handle an extraterrestrial crisis. He has bungled and botched every important policy and decision he has been entrusted.
If these are extraterrestrial-piloted spacecraft, Joe Biden will be sure to screw up the encounter. In the meantime, as we inch closer to Christmas Eve; don’t be alarmed if you see funky lights streaking across the sky. It might just be our neighbors from a couple of planets down the block.
The post WATCH! Swarm of UFOs Darting Across the California Sky Caught on Video appeared first on Steadfast Clash.
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