HomeThe LatestBREAKING! Dinesh D’Souza Releases Movie Trailer for “2000 Mules” Exposing Ballot Traffickers...

BREAKING! Dinesh D’Souza Releases Movie Trailer for “2000 Mules” Exposing Ballot Traffickers Who Stole the 2020 Election

If you listen to the corrupt mainstream media, you’ll automatically make bad assumptions. The leftist so-called journalists all lie constantly. One of their biggest false narratives involves voter fraud. Millions are convinced the 2020 Presidential Election was not honest.

By ignoring mounds of evidence, these crooked accomplices insist that anyone claiming election fraud is a conspiracy theorist. President Donald Trump calls it the “Big Steal”. The left-leaning mainstream media calls it the “big lie”. Who’s right?

Well, if you seriously consider “all the evidence”, you will be very surprised. “True the Vote” has been working diligently with Dinesh D’Souza to help expose the truth. The pair has collaborated to produce a bombshell new movie. The film uses explicit video footage of voter fraud.

This new film production is going to blow the lid off of the liberal left’s claim that election fraud did not happen. It did, and the video evidence in D’Souza’s movie will prove it. Last November, True the Vote used geo-tracking to take film footage of various drop boxes across the country.

A number of these recordings are of drop boxes in key battleground states such as Georgia. What they show is shocking proof of voter fraud. “Mules”, as they’re referred to in the title of the movie, can be seen stuffing ballots into these drop boxes.

The “2000 Mules”, the movie’s title, wear gloves and are cleverly disguised. One clip from the movie shows a single “mule” making 53 trips to various drop box locations. These “2000 Mules” were tracked to hundreds of drop boxes.

Each time, they were careful not to be recognized, or to leave any fingerprint trail of evidence. Furthermore, these mules were part of a coordinated effort in every single swing state. These crooks, hired and paid for by liberals, helped to manipulate election results in critical states.

Each one of these states was tipped for Joe Biden. We’re just curious where the money came from to fund these election criminals. If anyone could ever trace a paper trail backwards from the mules, it would lead to wealthy Democrat donors like big tech crook Mark Zuckerberg.

These investigations are not over, either. There are roughly 24 terabytes of video footage of drop box surveillance still to be released. The liberal mainstream media dismiss these reports of fraud, no matter how obvious. They refuse to discuss voter fraud, regardless of the facts.

However, the tide is going to turn. A wave of justifiable anger is going to swell ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. At the polls next November, voters will have an opportunity to tell these cheats what they think.

Voters must take extra precautions to ensure the integrity of their vote. The left is waiting to cheat again. Voters need to be vigilant with any form of ballot they choose to use. However, the cat’s been let out of the bag this time.

There will be such an intense watch surrounding the next election, cheating will be harder. Nevertheless, you can bet the left will try. It’s all they have. This time, like the kid sneaking back to the cookie jar one-too-many-times, they’re going to get caught red-handed.

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